The Auxiliary began in 1973 when a group of spouses gathered together to discuss the possibility of forming a national auxiliary to EANGUS. The next year the organization was officially formed with the creation of the organization that began with eleven chartered state auxiliaries and has spread and grown through the years, and now has chartered 40 state auxiliaries and two territories.
Purpose of the Auxiliary
The purpose of the Auxiliary is to support the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS), in attaining goals and objectives, and to provide support and fellowship among National Guard families. Along with supporting the Enlisted Association’s legislative efforts, the Auxiliary is also concerned with family issues and provides scholarships for spouses and dependents.
What the Auxiliary does for EANGUS!
The Auxiliary supports and promotes EANGUS. It provides support of its legislative efforts for the improvement and retention of benefits for members of the National Guard. It assists with planning and preparations of the Association and Auxiliary Joint Annual Conference.
Who can Join?
Annual Member: Any spouse of active, retired, or former Guard Member, who is a member of EANGUS and VaAANGEA.
Associate Member: Any person who does not qualify as an annual member, but supports the objectives of the Auxiliary.
😆 Auxiliary Membership Application 😆
Payment Options
By Check: VaAANGEA Auxiliary
Send to: auxiliaryva@gmail.com to use
PayPal and Venmo